Welcome to my travel blog!

After having a conversation with Jodi over lunch before I left, I decided that I wanted to do something similar to what I kept for Ireland. However, instead of limiting it to only my time in Vienna I would like to keep a running record of everywhere that I travel. I'll also be including reviews of various places on occasion along with my stories and general updates. I've set up a blog for every country that I have been to (links to the right), but instead of making my adoring fans check every page to see where my latest update is, I'm going to keep a running tally HERE of when I add new posts to any of them.

I hope you all enjoy this. Feel free to leave comments, pass this along to a friend, and definitely keep me posted on what's going on back home. Just because I'm out of the country doesn't mean I don't think about and miss all of you!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Long Hiatus, Lots of Stories

I know, it's been two months almost to the day since you've heard from me and I've been holding my tongue, but not for lack of wanting to write. However, one must have the experiences before writing about them. A minuscule segment of my adventures is up now that I've had a little time to catch my breath, but despite it recounting a total of three hours of my life (and a flashback to high school), it represents a brand new country! So soak in my short time in Liechtenstein while you patiently await the telling of the rest of my adventures of the summer.

Vielen Dank!