Welcome to my travel blog!

After having a conversation with Jodi over lunch before I left, I decided that I wanted to do something similar to what I kept for Ireland. However, instead of limiting it to only my time in Vienna I would like to keep a running record of everywhere that I travel. I'll also be including reviews of various places on occasion along with my stories and general updates. I've set up a blog for every country that I have been to (links to the right), but instead of making my adoring fans check every page to see where my latest update is, I'm going to keep a running tally HERE of when I add new posts to any of them.

I hope you all enjoy this. Feel free to leave comments, pass this along to a friend, and definitely keep me posted on what's going on back home. Just because I'm out of the country doesn't mean I don't think about and miss all of you!


Friday, December 30, 2011

Because in My Humble Opinion You Just Can't Have Enough Christmas

Thus, even though it's past Christmas, I wanted to extend the cheer a little longer and share some of Vienna's Christmas spirit with everyone. Happy New Year to all!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Little Closer to Home

No pun intended...

Although I haven't completely caught up on the Belgian blog, I realize that I have been neglecting reporting on happenings in and around Wien, so back to that one for the latest read.

Monday, December 12, 2011

I Just Can't Get Enough!

No, really. There's a reason I have now been to Belgium three times in the past year and a half. FINALLY, I'm getting around to finishing Trip Number Two. Well, I'm 3/4 of the way there, anyway. If you're interested in Ghent and windmills in Brugge, you might want to check out my latest.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hooray! More Belgium!

Specifically, Brugge, the prettiest town I've ever visited. Again, from my trip with Ian this summer, not with Lauren this past weekend, but I'm making progress. One post at a time...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A New Post, a New Country!

Lauren and I were in Belgium this last weekend. I have not gotten around to posting about that yet, BUT it has given me that nip of inspiration that I needed to finally get up a post about my trip to Belgium with Ian this summer. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Germany AND Austria

Does it get much better?! Don't delay another moment - go and read to your heart's content!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

One More Austrian Post

On a more upbeat note.

Speaking of Fiascos...

If you read my last little post from Austria, well, I'm continuing that theme. Fingers crossed those are the only two that fall into that category for a (long) while.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Friends from France

Okay, so only one friend from France, but Lauren came to visit me last week. We had a blast in Vienna (not to mention it was great catching up with her). For 90% of our week together, read here. For the last 10% - the attempted bike trip down the Danube - you'll need to wait a bit; that one merits its very own post.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Wondering what I've been up to this past week?

Even more exciting than buying a bike, I rode a horse!!

Oh, and I suppose I had a pretty good weekend on top of that...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Only Three Months Overdue...

I have finally posted about my last day in Venice. When I was there back in June. Better late than never, right?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More Viennese Coffee Culture

Sorry, perhaps this reading is a bit of a bore, but it will come in handy if you ever visit Vienna. Besides, I'm doing this more for myself than anything :-)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Saturday: A Taste of Oktoberfest

Although I certainly haven't had the full-blown experience, I got at least a small taste of Oktoberfest this weekend, and got to talk bikes all the while! Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Ah, Vienna, you're so great!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It Was A Good Last Week

A little recap of my last week on the job is up under Austria. In case you're wondering, I recently returned home, but I'll be back in Vienna in another week and a half or so. Give me a call while I'm stateside; I'm trying to catch up with as many people as possible before hopping back across the pond!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


1/3 of my trip is posted. I know, you've probably already forgotten that I even went to Venice...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Salzburg Weekend Up

Check Austria.

Also, I apologize for the general absence. I was in Budapest last week, Prague this past weekend, and just got back from Croatia last night. I promise to be diligent about getting those up... and I still need to finish Venice. And you all think I don't do any work over here!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Post, New Country

Finally able to add Slovakia to the list! Well, we were there last month, but now everyone else can enjoy it, too!

Monday, July 11, 2011


I've finished the final post on my tour through Germany and Denmark last month. Next on the agenda: more updates from Vienna, day trip to Bratislava, and excursion to Venice.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day Two in Copenhagen is Up

and long. Neat (though of course I may be biased) picture of a spire at sunset that's carved as four dragon tails...

Also about to add a short post to Austria.

Monday, July 4, 2011

First in a Short Series

for Denmark. I didn't abandon you all, I promise; after Andrew left I went to Venice for a quick trip and am just now getting caught up again.

Happy Fourth of July!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Three for One

Two updates in Germany, one in Austria.

Also, I've heard people have been trying to leave comments, but as we can see they aren't showing up. I changed some of the settings around, so hopefully it will work now.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's About Time...

Sheesh, I've been slower than I ought to be with this whole posting thing. Day I from Germany is up!

Tantilizing Cliffhanger!

Quick update in Austria... But the real meat will start flowing in tomorrow with details from my venture into uncharted territory (for me leastways) in Germany and Denmark!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ireland and Scotland: Complete

I have transferred all of the blog I kept while I was in Ireland (likewise for the few days during that semester that I spent in Scotland).

More updates from Vienna soon.

Monday, May 30, 2011


First post is up! Check Austria!

(in the process of transferring Ireland)